LMS  Summer School 2023:
(Pre)arrival Information

Information items

1) Communications

It is our aim to keep email traffic to a minimum. All information, where possible, will be listed on this website. We will do our best to keep the website updated before and during the Summer School. 

2) Prearrival Information

There is no preparatory (mathematical/statistical) work to be done before you get here. We would say that the best thing you can do is have a bit of a break! We assume you all worked hard in your exams - it is important you come to the school fresh and ready to get stuck in.

3) Arrival Information

As you may have seen, lunch is booked on Sunday 16th July 12:30-14:00 followed by registration 14:00-16:30, a welcome session 16:30-17:30 and dinner 17:30-19:00. Provided you arrive in Sheffield and make your way to the lunch/registration location (Interval Bar and Kitchen, Sheffield Students' Union, Glossop Rd, Broomhall, Sheffield S10 2TG) between 12:30-19:00. If you are planning to arrive late, leave early, or be absent for a period of time during the school; we would appreciate it if you could let us know ahead of time (by email). Some of you have done this already, for which we are thankful. 

4) Departure Information

You will see from the schedule that the summer school formally ends at lunch time on Friday 28th July. You will be asked to check out of the accommodation in the morning of this date and bring your luggage with you to the summer school. A locked room will be provided in the department for your luggage for this half day (until shortly after lunch.) 

5) Organiser Contact

If you, for any reason before, during or after the conference wish to contact either of us, you can do so on this email address or speak to us in person. We are both extremely approachable and are happy to help where we can.

6) Fire Drill's and First Aid Contact

We are not expecting a Fire Drill (however there is a weekly building test at 13:30 on Tuesdays). Therefore, if you hear the fire alarm, you should proceed quickly but calmly to the nearer refuge point. This is underneath the bridge by the students Union. 

For First Aid, you can use one of the University phones to call 23800. If this number doesn't work, call 4444. However, saying this, Dr Mark Yarrow is one of the School First Aiders and thus is likely to be the closet contact. 

Code of Conduct: Expected Behaviour at Workshops and Conferences

We sincerely hope that everyone feels welcome at this event. Please read the following guidelines which we ask all participants to follow: 

Please do not use exclusionary behaviour or language against anyone based on their race, gender, disability, appearance, age, religion, sexual orientation, or any protected characteristic. Advice on this is given in the University’s webpages: accessible and inclusive communication (link accessible to University of Sheffield staff members only)

Please ask permission before recording/filming/photographing any participants, and inform them in what ways it is intended that such images/recordings are to be shared. Respect any requests from those who do not wish to be recorded/filmed/photographed.

Do not harass other participants. If someone feels that another participant is behaving in a way that makes them feel anxious or uncomfortable, then they are welcome to discuss this with one of the organisers. Also, if you observe someone behaving in a way that violates these guidelines, please contact one of the organisers. Any such concerns will be dealt with discreetly and in confidence. If the event is on the University campus and you need immediate or urgent support, please call the University’s Security Services on 0114 222 4444 (24 hours). Participants can also report issues on the University's Report + Support system.

If anyone is found to be in serious breach of these guidelines, then they may be instructed to leave the event without reimbursement of any fees or other expenditure related to the event. 

We hope that everyone enjoys this event!!